Friday, September 14, 2007

STAGED: Constructed Narrative in Contemporary Photography

I wasn't able to make the opening of the show, however I spent some time wandering through the gallery this morning. It was nice actually, to walk around while no one else was there. an experience that's quite rare in a museum. I like being able to stand in front of a piece and not feel the weight of the eyes behind me as the next in line attempts to drop the hint that they are waiting.
I was instantly taken by Amy Montali's photographs and after reading her statement, felt she had successfully accomplished the portrayal of things like rivalry, desire, guilt and redemption. There is something, though staged, nonetheless real about the scenes she has captured. My favorite photograph was Erin in the Blue Room.
I liked Erin in the Blue Room for the expression of thought, the fact that she does not seem to be in the room at all, but somewhere else. The viewer is left to wonder where it is that she has been taken, what it is that she so desires. This photograph asks questions, such as what is exactly going on in the blue room, and follows you around even after you have left the gallery.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Very astute comment. Clearly something in the photo grabbed you because you delved right into a description of more than was visible in the photograph—all the things alluded to but not present in the image.